Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Soy sauce chicken popcorn

Do you thing popcorn is not good for your health? then you should try this popcorn.


chicken breasts 500g, garlic, salt, pepper, soy sauce, garlic starch syrup, sugar, water, starch water, the white of an egg, starch powder (sweetcorn,or potato)
Soy sauce:
water100g, soy sauce 5spoons, sugar 1 spoon, starch syrup 1spoon, garlic

1. Cut the chicken breasts easy to eat (little bit bigger than popcorn size)
2. Then put the sauce (garlic, pepper, salt) (garlic eliminate the fishy smell)
3. Put the 2 white of eggs and 2 spoons starch powder
4. Mix that and fry in the oil
5. Fry one more time after 5 min
6. Put the Soy sauce in the pan and boil
7. After 30 seconds put the starch water
8. Mix the soy sauce and fry chicken
9. Done^^
