Monday, September 13, 2010

mango pudding

Easy to make and looks nice and delicious pudding~

cooking time: 180 min


●mango 200g

●mango puree 250g

●gelatin 6g

●water 45ml

●milk 50ml

●sugar 50g

●sourcream 125ml

●evaporated 25g

●lemon balm 10g


1. pour the water to gelatin and leave 10 min

2. In the bowl pan pour the milk and sugar and warm (before boil stop the warming)

3. mix the first leave the gelatin

4. whipping the cream

5. use the other bowl mix the sourcream and mango puree

6. the number 5 and number 3 together mix and also put the whippig cream

7. use the cup and pour the thing 1~2 hours

8. take out and put the ecaporated and little bit mango do decoration

9. finish~