Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mini hot dog

Now eat the mini hot dog and make that, very easy to make and more good for your health.

Cook Time: 30 min

Main Ingredients: 

flour 50g, egg 50g, baking powder, sausage 60g


sugar10g, 12g, milk 15ml, salt, water 15ml, kecap 8g, cooking oil 600ml


flour50, sugar10g, egg50g, milk15ml, salt, baking powder, water15ml, 

Inside: sausage 60g


1. Prepare the dough
2. Parboil the sausage and put the skewer
3. Dredge the dough to sausage and fry on 160 degree in the oil
4. Dredge and fry one more time
5. Put the sugar and kecap
6. Done :)

