Friday, May 20, 2011

Strawberry banana smoothie

If you feel so hot or you want soemthing to drink, but you don't know what shoul you drink. That time I'll suggest strawberry smoothie. Smoothie is very good for your body and delicious. This is my stlye to make smoothie.


Strawberry, milk, sugar, ice-cream, ice, banana


1. Wash the strawberry and cut half and put in the blender
2. Cut the banana
3. Put ice and ice-cream
4. Pour the little bit milk
5. Grind
6. Done~

Picture Source:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sweet punpkin glutious rice donut

Nowadays Hilo is raining days, so if you want something to eat sweet then cook this food :)


Milk 50g, honey 5 spoons, salt, cooking oil, sugar, sweet pumpkin 200g, glutinous rice flour, medium flour 15g


1. In the big bowl put and mix the glutinous rice flour, medium flour, and salt.
2. Peel the sweet pumpkin skin then wrap well and put on the microwave 3~4 min
3. Mash the sweet pumpkin and put the honey then mix
4. Mix sweet pumpkin, put in the big bowl (have flour ) and pour the warm milk
5. Doughing
6. Make the circle good to eat
7. Fry in the low fire about 3~4min
8. After that sprinkle the sugar
9. Done~


Friday, May 6, 2011

Chicken fried glutinous rice crackers

This is crunch and delicious chicken fried glutionous rice crackers in korean many people like this and enjoy for snack~


Corn, chicken breast, potato starch


Kechp, sweet chili sauce , Korean hot sauce garlic, and starch syrup


1. Chop off chicken breast and put the salt and pepper
2. Put the corn and potato starch then mix and make circle
3. Fry the oil twice
4. Put the sauce in the pan with chicken breast
5. Boil and mix
6. done


Friday, April 29, 2011

Cheese noodle cookie Mozarella cheese

Ingredient :

noodle, slide cheese, Mozarella cheese, peanut


1. Break noodle and peanut
2. Cut the slide cheese
3. Put on the Mozarella cheese on the pan then put the noodle
4. Put on the slide cheese and peanut
5. Fry that
6. done :)


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Baby kimbab the meat inside a razor clam

Kimbab is Korean sushi. The baby kimbab is easy to eat and easy to make

Ingredient :

Rice, carrots, cucumber, cheesem, meat inside a razor clam, sesame oil, sea weed

Rice sauce:

sesame salt, sesame oil, vinegar


1. Cut the 4cm for cucumber, carrots, meat inside a razor clam
2. Cut the cheese also cut the sea weed divide 6
3. Make rice, put the rice sauce in the rice
4. Put on the sea weed, then put on the rice and ingredient (carrots, cucumber, clam)
5. Roll the sea weed
6. Done


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Steamed eggs

Do you like egg?? and have you ever tried steamed egg?? it's so good


2 eggs, 100g water, salt, salted shrimp


1. Beat eggs and put salt
2. Mix with water the ratio is 1:2  water1:eggs2
3. Boil that and put the green onion
4. Stir until appear the dollop
5. Then don't open the cover and wait for boil

Friday, April 8, 2011

egg roll rice

The weather is good~ so we can go to picnic with egg roll rice, delicious and also looks so good. We make we're food then tasty better than buy food.


rice, carrot, sausage, egg, salt, sesame oil, and tomato, broccoli

1. Chop complete the carrot and broccoli
2. Cut the sausage and boil one time
3. Mix the rice and vegetables, then put the 1 spoon sesame oil
4. Cook egg
5. Use the wrap first spread egg then put on the rice then, wrap
6. Cut the egg roll rice


Monday, April 4, 2011

Sweet potato cheese roll tonkatsu

Sweetpotato cheese roo tonkatsu, the children like this also adult enjoy for snack.


1 Sweetpotato,  Pork sirloin steak 300g,1 egg, 1 cup Mozarella cheese ,flour, cooking oil, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, sugar 0.5 spoon, mayonnaise, rice wine


1. Cut the sweet popato and get steaming hot
2. Mash the sweet potato with mayonnasie and sugar
3. Spread thin pork sirloin steak put the salt, pepper and rice wine
4. On the pork sirloin steak put the sweet potato and mozarella cheese
5. Then wrap
6.  Put on the four, egg and bread crumbs fry at 160 degree


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Soy sauce chicken popcorn

Do you thing popcorn is not good for your health? then you should try this popcorn.


chicken breasts 500g, garlic, salt, pepper, soy sauce, garlic starch syrup, sugar, water, starch water, the white of an egg, starch powder (sweetcorn,or potato)
Soy sauce:
water100g, soy sauce 5spoons, sugar 1 spoon, starch syrup 1spoon, garlic

1. Cut the chicken breasts easy to eat (little bit bigger than popcorn size)
2. Then put the sauce (garlic, pepper, salt) (garlic eliminate the fishy smell)
3. Put the 2 white of eggs and 2 spoons starch powder
4. Mix that and fry in the oil
5. Fry one more time after 5 min
6. Put the Soy sauce in the pan and boil
7. After 30 seconds put the starch water
8. Mix the soy sauce and fry chicken
9. Done^^


Monday, March 21, 2011

Curry rice hot dog stir-fry

If you like curry maybe you like this food this is easy to eat and good for your body also good for children's food. 


Carrot, Onion, Green pepper, rice, curry powder, egg, ham, flour, bread crumbs.


1. Cut finely sliced all vegetables
2. Stir-fry vegetables and put the 1 spooncurry powder
3. Put the rice and fry again
4. Make small round shape and put the ham
5. Make circle
6. Put the flour and egg
7. put the bread crumbs 
8. Fry in the oil
9. Done~


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fruit yogurt salad

If you don't have appetite try fruit salad, don't worry about calorie and taste more better with yogurt  

Cook time:

30 min

Main Ingredients: 

apple 290g, strawberry 40g, kiwi 150g, tangerine (Whatever you want)

juice of a lemon 300ml, cream cheese 15g, honey 15g,   plain yogurt 100g

1. Peel the kiwi and cut
2. Peel the apple and put the juice of a lemon ( prevention browning of fruit)
3. Cut the strawberry
4. Shell the tangerine
5. Make dressing mix the plain yogurt, juice of a lemon, cream cheese, honey
6. Done:))

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sausage with rice cake skewered food,

Main Ingredients: 

Sausage, rice cake, sesame oil

  kecap 2 spoons, red chili pepper paste 1/2 spoon, sugar 1/2 spoon, water starch syrup

1. cut the sausage and parboil in the water
2. parboil the rice cake in the water  
3. put the sesame oil (for not stick each other)
4. After that put the rice cake and sausage in the skewered
5. Put the sauce
6. Done~


Monday, February 28, 2011

Popcorn chicken popcorn potato

Easy to eat easy to make, good for the children's snack, also for everybody

Main Ingredients: 

chicken breasts, Potapo, oil
Meat Sauce:

 salt, pepper, alchol
Chicken and potato Sauce:
pepper, salt,  starch powder, curry powder

1. Cut the chicken breasts,  easy to eat and season with meat sauce
2. Cut the potatoes easy to eat and put in the cold water 15min
3. Put the curry powder in chicken breasts
3. Fry in the oil4. Put the starch powder in potatoes and fry
5. Sprinkle the salt and pepper
6. Done~


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kimchi bibimguksu (noodles mixed with vegetables and red pepper sauce)

Main Ingredients: 

plain noodles 200g, 1cucumber, 1egg
Korean hot sauce 1.5 spoon, vinegar 2 spoon, sugar 1 spoon, sesame oil 1 spoon,
ground sesame mixed with salt 1 spoon
Kimchi Sauce:
Kimchi, sugar 0.5 spoon, sesame oil 0.5 spoon,
ground sesame mixed with salt 0.5 spoon, salt

1. Cut the Kimchi and mix with salt, sugar, and ground sesame mixed with salt (Kimchi Sauce)
2. Make a sauce
3. Put the salt, water, and plain noodles inside a pan and boil
4. If boil then pour the cold water repeat 2~3 times (the noodles more chewy)
5. Drain the noodles
6. Mix the noodles and Sacue
7. Put the Kimchi sacue and egg
8. Done~


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mini hot dog

Now eat the mini hot dog and make that, very easy to make and more good for your health.

Cook Time: 30 min

Main Ingredients: 

flour 50g, egg 50g, baking powder, sausage 60g


sugar10g, 12g, milk 15ml, salt, water 15ml, kecap 8g, cooking oil 600ml


flour50, sugar10g, egg50g, milk15ml, salt, baking powder, water15ml, 

Inside: sausage 60g


1. Prepare the dough
2. Parboil the sausage and put the skewer
3. Dredge the dough to sausage and fry on 160 degree in the oil
4. Dredge and fry one more time
5. Put the sugar and kecap
6. Done :)


Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Nowadyas in the morning is cold so try to eat the udon.

Cook Time: 40 min

Main Ingredients: 

Soup, fisch cake 100g, radish, udon noodles(thick white noodles) 400g, welsh onion

egg, anchovy, onion, kelp

1. First make a soup, in boiled water put the anchovy, onion, welso onion and onion
2. If finish boiled, only leave the radish and all take off
3. Put the fisch cake (seasoning)
4. Seasoning (put the salt or soy sauce )
5. Boil the udon noodles(use the other pot)
6. If finish the boiled udon noodles then put the bowl
7. And also put the soup inside the bowl
8. Done~


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

pavé chocolate cocoa powder

Few days later we have Valentine's Day, so today I'll show the how to make a chocolate if do you have lover you can make for your lover. then more be deeply moved.

Cook Time: 80 min

Main Ingredients: 

chocolate (dark) 140g, milk chocolate 45g

whipped cream 60ml, unsalted butter 16g, starch syrup 5ml, Cointreau 10ml, cocoa powder

1.  Boil the whipped cream and starch syrup
2. Melt the dark chocolate and milk chocolate
3. If done melted the chocolate put the no.1 and mix
4. Put the unsalted butter and mix
5. put the cointreau and mix
6. pour in the case and put the ice box and wait about 1hour
7. Then dredge the cocoa power
8. Done:))


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rice cake and Dumpling soup ( Korean Lunar New Year's Day )

Rice cake and Dumpling soup is when Korean Lunar New Year's Day every year we eat that, rice cake mean is wish the long life and also spend good time this year. In Korea one story is when you make dumplings if you made good shape then later you give birth to a child your child looks very handsome and beautiful.

Cook Time: 40 min

Main Ingredients: 

rice cake 80g, bun stuffing 160g (make 6 quantity), beef leg bone broth 500ml, dumpling skin 60g,
  beef  boiled 10g
salt 8g, sesame oil 1ml, garlic 1g, crushed garlic 14g,  green onion 12g, egg 25g, pepper
Explain Ingredients:
Beef Spice: salt, sesame oil 1ml, garlic 1g, green onion
Soup Spice: salt 8g, green oinon 12g, crughed garlic 14g, pepper
1. Make a dumplings put inside a bun stuffing
2. Mix the boiled beef and Soup Spice
3. The egg make 2 part one is yellow and white
4. After that Prepare the garnish
5. When beef leg bone broth boiled put the rice cake and dumpling
6. If be done put pepper and salt or garlic seasoned
7. Done:))


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tuna kimchi stew

Cook Time: 30 min


tuna can 70g, kimchi 500g, kimchi soup 56ml, onion 40g, tufu 100g, garlic 10g,
Korean hot souce 10g, sugar 7g, peper, perilla oil 14ml

1. First cut the kimchi , easy too eat size
2. Fry with perilla oil
3. Put the kimchi soup and puna and boil
4. Put the onion, garilc, tufu
5. Put Korean hot souce, peper, sugar 
6. done~


Monday, January 10, 2011


It is a Japanese custom that on every New Year's morning, to eat ozoni, or mochi soup. For as long as i can remember, and probably for my whole life, we have had this to start the year. This soup is traditional like yokan and kuromame. These are for good luck and are eaten on and around New Years celebrations. The oshougatsu preparations are strong and bring in luck and good for the coming year. Everybody makes their soup differently and prefer certain ingredients. Here is the recipe, from my papa, for our version of ozoni soup. Enjoy!


4 cans chicken broth
shitake mushrooms
baby clams
mizuna or water cabbage

Soak shitake mushrooms overnight. Soak mochi overnight, until it is soft. In the morning, have a medium sized pot ready. On a low heat, pour four cans of chicken broth into the pot. cut shitake into small pieces horizontally, then add into pot. Then, put clams into the soup. (some people like expensive big clams, but we like any kind.) Keep on low heat for about an hour (simmering with the cover on.) Meanwhile, chop the mizuna. The stem portion should be about an inch and the leafy portion, just cut. remember to keep the two parts seperate, as you now add the stem portion into soup, but hold the leafy portion. Now, in the pot, you should have softening shitake, the stems of mizuna, the baby clams, and the broth. Now, after letting the soup simmer, add in cut up pieces of kamaboko. Next, put into the soup the leafy portion left over from before. around three or four minutes before turning off the heat, place the mochi into soup. *remember that the mochi is the absolute last ingredient because it will soften and melt in the pot if you aren't careful!
Now, enjoy your ozoni and Happy New Year! !
あけましておめでとうございます! !